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'English/생활 속 영문 예시 글'에 해당되는 글 1

  1. 2020.06.11 [E-mail Newsletter] Jeenie News - May 2020

[E-mail Newsletter]

Jeenie News - May 2020


In honor of International Nurses Day (May 12), Jeenie wants to thank all the healthcare workers who continue to be on the front lines of the COVID crisis. Their tireless efforts are truly extraordinary and deserve our profound gratitude!



Jeenie Is Ready for Remote Interpreting, Including Telehealth!

With social distancing now the new "normal," in-person appointments are rapidly being replaced by tele-conversations. This is especially true in healthcare, where a recent survey we conducted reported that 9 out of 10 providers have moved to telehealth consults with patients.


Jeenie is ready for this new world! Our new 3-way calling feature lets you conference in a 3rd party (such as a patient or client) with an interpreter on the line for remote Telehealth consults, business meetings, conversations with friends around the world, and more. Connect to your Jeenie interpreter, then add add someone on a landline or cell phone to your call whenever you want!



Multi-Year Partnership with Credible Behavioral Health Inc.

We are excited to announce a long-term partnership with Credible Behavioral Health Inc., a leading EHR software firm for behavioral health agencies. The partnership aims to improve treatment outcomes and reduce the risk of misdiagnoses by removing language barriers between care providers and their Limited English Proficiency (LEP) clients and families.


Jeenie is already working with dozens of Credible agencies and adding more each week. Credible’s CEO and Co-Founder, Matthew M. Dorman, stated, "Credible looks forward to rolling Jeenie out nationwide over the coming weeks and months."


Read the press release here.

Watch the recent Jeenie-Credible webinar on treating LEP clients during COVID-19.



New Languages Available for Healthcare


We are building out our capacity to provide medically assessed, HIPAA-trained interpreters for our healthcare provider partners. Jeenie healthcare interpreters are available today in 30+ languages for scheduled appointments or on-demand in Spanish and American Sign Language (ASL), and we are adding many more on-demand languages to the platform in the next few months. Do you have an upcoming appointment with a Deaf or non-English-speaking patient? Email us at healthcare@jeenie.com or call 1-855-JEENIE-1, and we'll get you set up with an interpreter!



Jeenie Stories from around the World

Even with COVID, Life Goes On!

In the midst of the current health crisis, Ms. J, a Deaf Jeenie customer, decided it was time to make some major life changes. She used a Jeenie interpreter to give notice to her former employer and then to complete the onboarding paperwork at her new job. She then embarked on a remodeling of her new home. Ms. J has used Jeenie over a dozen times to meet with her interior designer, contractors, and home inspector; complete home paperwork; pick out appliances, fixtures, and furnishings. We wish Ms. J good health and good fortune in her new job and home!



Download Jeenie Today!

Jeenie® Jeenie is a mobile platform connecting you to video or audio calls with live interpreters for on-demand language assistance, 24/7.




< Expressions >

- In honor of ~ : ~에게 경의를 표하여; ~을 기념하여; ~을 축하하여
- on the front line : 최전선에 (be on the front lines of ~ : ~의 최전선에 있다)
- Their tireless efforts are truly extraordinary and deserve our profound gratitude!
- on the line : 위태로운(at risk) / 전화상으로
- The partnership aims to improve ~ and reduce the risk of ~ by ~
- We are building out our capacity to provide ~
- on-demand : 온디맨드[주문]식의(이용자의 요구에 따라 네트워크를 통해 필요한 정보를 제공하는 방식) / 요구만 있으면(언제든지)

ex) on-demand (language assistance)
ex) on-demand book 주문본(주문으로 만드는 단 한 권의 책)
ex) on-demand system 즉시 응답 시스템 (사용자의 요구가 있으면 즉시 정보 또는 서비스를 제공하는 시스템
- In the midst of the current health crisis, ~ (in the midst of: ~(하는) 중에[가운데])
- She then embarked on a remodeling of her new home. (embark on: ~에 착수하다, 나서다)



posted by 현이제이
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